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Bowel disease drugs increase cancer risk: study


Bowel disease drugs increase cancer risk: study

Some treatments for inflammatory bowel disease increase the risk of infection-related cancers, French scientists said on Monday, but the benefits of the drugs still outweigh the risks.

Thiopurine drugs — immunosuppressive medicines that inhibit the body’s immune system — are regularly used to treat inflammatory bowel disease, the researchers said, but can increase the risk of cancers linked to viral infections.

Laurent Beaugerie and colleagues at the Saint-Antoine hospital in Paris looked at more than 19,000 patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Around 30 percent of the patients were taking thiopurines, 14 percent had stopped taking them and 56 percent had never taken them.

Following up after almost 3 years, the researchers found 23 new cases of cancers — one of Hodgkin’s lymphoma and 22 of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Statistical analysis showed that patients receiving thiopurines — like azathioprine produced by several generic drugmakers and by GlaxoSmithKline as Imuran — had a more than five-fold increased risk of lymphoma compared with those who had never received the drugs, the researchers said in a study published in The Lancet journal.

Older male patients with a longer history of inflammatory bowel disease also had increased lymphoma cancer risk.

“The absolute cumulative risk…in young patients receiving a 10-year course of thiopurines remains low — (less than 1 percent) — and does not undermine the positive risk-benefit ratio of these drugs,” the researchers wrote.

But for elderly patients and for unlimited treatment periods, more studies were needed to assess the risk, they said.

Commenting on the study, Geert D’Haens of the Imelda GI Clinical Research Center and Paul Rutgeerts University Hospital Gasthuisberg, both in Belgium, said doctors should be cautious in prescribing thiopurines for prolonged periods.

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For women on HRT, tenderness may be warning sign


For women on HRT, tenderness may be warning sign

Women whose breasts became tender after taking hormone replacement therapy had nearly twice the risk of developing breast cancer than women whose breasts did not become tender on the drugs, U.S. researchers said on Monday.

They said breast tenderness may be a way to identify women who have a higher risk of developing breast cancer while taking hormone replacement therapy to treat menopause.

“We report that an increase in breast tenderness, easily detected by physicians or patients, identifies a population at particular risk for breast cancer,” Dr. Carolyn Crandall of the University of California Los Angeles and colleagues reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

The team analyzed data on the more than 16,000 women who took estrogen-plus-progestin as part of the widely publicized Women’s Health Initiative or WHI study, which was halted in 2002 when researchers found healthy menopausal women who took the drugs were more likely to develop breast cancer.

Most of the women in the WHI studies took Premarin or Prempro made by Wyeth.

Doctors now recommend hormone replacement therapy for women suffering severe menopause symptoms, but caution that they should use the lowest dose possible for the shortest period of time.

Crandall and colleagues culled through the data to see if breast tenderness played a role in breast cancer risk. In the study, 8,506 took estrogen plus progestin and 8,102 got placebo pills.

The women had mammograms and breast exams at the start of the trial and every year after that. They reported whether they had breast tenderness at the beginning of the trial and a year later.

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Lengthy international travel tied to health problems


Lengthy international travel tied to health problems

Travel extending beyond 6 months is associated with health risks not usually encountered among short-term travelers, new data indicate.

Issues of most concern for long-term travelers are psychological problems and diseases caused by parasites.

“Few studies have compared the types and causes of illness in travelers on the basis of duration of travel,” Dr. Lin H. Chen, from the Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and members of the GeoSentinel Surveillance Network note the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases.

Their study used data from ill travelers who visited GeoSentinel sites — clinics on 6 continents that specialize in travel medicine – from 1996 through 2008. Included in the analysis were 4039 persons who traveled for more than 6 months and for 24,807 who traveled for less than 1 month.

Long-term travelers were significantly more likely than short-term travelers to have a variety of ailments including persistent fatigue, chronic diarrhea, malaria and post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome.

They were also much more likely to come down with leishmaniasis, a disease caused by a parasite transmitted by a tiny sandfly that can lead to severe scarring, and the parasitic worm disease schistosomiasis.

“Many common infections seen in long-term travelers are preventable by vaccines, vector avoidance, food/water precautions, and avoidance of soil and fresh water,” the researchers note.

Psychological diagnoses that were significantly more common in long-term travelers included depression, stress, and fatigue.

“The increased number of missionary/volunteer/research/aid workers with stress was most significant,” the investigators report.

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