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5 Reasons To Start Eating a Raw Diet


5 Reasons To Start Eating a Raw Diet

Know Why You’re Doing It
Eating unprocessed and enzyme-rich food is the way we humans ate since our days as hunter-gatherers. There are numerous health benefits to eating a diet built on fruit, nuts and seeds, including increasing energy, reducing risk of heart disease, kick-starting weight loss, and aiding in body detox.

Slow and Steady
This nutrient-dense diet can be a bit of an adjustment in the beginning and may cause headaches and/or nausea. For most people this is a new and complicated lifestyle change, so it’s important to approach this in a relaxed manner. Try incorporating just one raw meal into your day and build from there. Salad is an easy way to start.

Follow The Rules
While the diet can be time consuming-it typically requires that food is juiced, soaked, or dehydrated-there are also some fundamentals you need to learn. It’s suggested that 75 percent of the food you scoff down should be uncooked and for the remaining 25 percent you must never cook it over 116°F (your stove probably starts at 200°F). Proponents of the diet believe that when food is prepared “normally” it can rob food of its dietary value and defeat the purpose of noshing on veggies entirely.

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