Tag Archives: training

Drinking shows little effect on stroke outcome

Drinking shows little effect on stroke outcome

While some research has suggested that moderate drinking may lower a person’s odds of suffering a stroke, a new study finds that it may have little long-term impact on stroke risk or stroke severity.

The findings, reported in the journal Stroke, come from a more than two-decade follow-up of nearly 22,000 U.S. male doctors. Researchers found that overall, there was no strong association between the men’s drinking habits and their odds of suffering a stroke.

Nor was there a clear connection between alcohol intake and the severity of disability following a stroke.

Some past studies, though not all, have suggested that light-to-moderate drinking may be protective against stroke — as it appears to be against heart disease. But the current study, which followed participants for an average of 22 years, was longer term than those earlier studies, the researchers point out.

In addition, a number of other studies have found that the protective effect of moderate drinking is generally weak and fades with longer-term follow-up, noted senior researcher Dr. Tobias Kurth, of the French national health institute INSERM, in Paris, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

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Democrats optimistic on healthcare bill prospect

Democrats optimistic on healthcare bill prospect

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Tuesday she was sure Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate would produce a final healthcare reform plan that would hold insurers accountable and make medical coverage affordable.

She did not promise the legislation would include the government-run insurance plan favored by the House but rejected by the Senate. Democratic lawmakers are now trying to reconcile competing versions of healthcare reform into a bill that can be passed by the full Congress.

Pelosi told reporters measures passed by the House and Senate to revamp the $2.5 trillion U.S. healthcare system would be unified within weeks into a historic bill for President Barack Obama to sign.

“There’s much we have in common in both our bills and we will reconcile this legislation,” Pelosi said.

“We want our final product … to ensure affordability for the middle class, accountability for the insurance companies as it provides accessibility by lowering cost for every stage.”

The House bill which passed in early November would set up a government-run insurance program, but the Senate bill which passed on December 24 would not.

Pelosi, who has backed off demands for the so-called public option in the final bill, said, “We will have what we need to hold the insurance companies accountable.”

“I contend that whatever we have coming out of this bill will hold them accountable and they’ll be crying out for a public option one of these days,” Pelosi said.

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Health reform moves to close U.S. Medicare drug gap


Health reform moves to close U.S. Medicare drug gap

Democratic leaders moved on Friday to build support among the elderly for a massive overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system, saying the measure would immediately start closing a gap in Medicare prescription drug coverage.

The coverage gap, the so-called doughnut hole, occurs after a certain amount of money is spent. This year that level is $2,700 of which $896 is out of pocket expenses by the beneficiary. Coverage begins again once drug costs reach $6,154.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the healthcare reform bill being considered by the House of Representatives would reduce the that doughnut hole and lower the cost of medicine for as many as 4 million elderly next year.

“As of January 1, 2010, our legislation will give a 50 percent discount for brand-name drugs to recipients in the doughnut hole, and it will reduce the size of the doughnut hole by $500,” Pelosi said.

An earlier version of the bill would have started closing the doughnut hole beginning in January 2011.

House Democratic leaders are working to merge three healthcare reform bills approved by committees into a single bill that can pass the House and give President Barack Obama a major victory on a top domestic priority.

The emerging bill would also gradually eliminate the gap in prescription drug coverage in 10 years. The earlier version of the bill would have eliminated the gap in 15 years.

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