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Vaccine raises hope for cocaine addiction therapy


Vaccine raises hope for cocaine addiction therapy

A vaccine helped block the high felt by cocaine users in 38 percent of people who took it, U.S. researchers said on Monday, offering promise of a new approach to treating those addicted to the drug.

The aim is to prevent cocaine’s rewarding effects — the high — in order to reduce cravings that trigger drug relapses.

“The concept works,” Dr. Thomas Kosten of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, whose study appears in the Archives of General Psychiatry, said in a statement.

Cocaine molecules on their own are too small to draw the attention of the immune system. To get the body to recognize cocaine, the researchers designed a vaccine that uses a harmless version of the cholera toxin with a few attached cocaine molecules.

When the immune system reacts to the toxin, it makes both cholera and cocaine antibodies.

“These antibodies bind to the cocaine, preventing it from leaving the bloodstream,” Kosten said. An enzyme called cholinesterase breaks down the cocaine and flushes it out of the body.

For the study, Kosten and colleagues studied 94 volunteers — mostly users of crack cocaine, which is a solid, smokable form of the drug — who were on methadone treatment at the Veterans Affairs Connecticut Healthcare System.

Over three months, the participants either got five shots of the vaccine or a placebo injection.


Plans are under way to study the vaccine in many sites.

According to a 2007 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 35.9 million Americans aged 12 and older reported having used cocaine, and 8.6 million reported having used crack. In 2006, cocaine accounted for about 14 percent of all admissions to drug abuse treatment programs.

Kosten said he plans to tinker with the vaccine to make it more effective. He has already tried a different carrier — a modified version of a meningitis bacterium — supplied by drug firm Merck & Co.

Animal studies showed it produced five times the antibody response as the cholera carrier.

He has used a similar approach on a nicotine vaccine called TA-NIC now being tested in Europe. Both the cocaine and nicotine vaccines are being developed through private equity firm Celtic Pharma.

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Pneumonia bugs kill 1.2 million children: study


Pneumonia bugs kill 1.2 million children: study

More than a million children die every year from two pneumonia-causing diseases easily prevented with vaccines, researchers reported on Thursday.

Each year 1.2 million children under age 5 die from Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae B or Hib, they found.

Their study, published in the Lancet medical journal, found an estimated 14.5 million cases of pneumococcal disease such as pneumonia and meningitis worldwide, most caused by S. pneumoniae, with 826,000 deaths among children under 5.

Safe and effective vaccines exist for both, but use of Hib vaccine has only recently expanded to low-income countries and pneumococcal vaccine is not included in national immunization programs in the developing world yet, the researchers said.

“Our findings underscore the urgent need for prevention efforts throughout the developing world,” said Kate O’Brien, of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, who led the study.

“The need for vaccination and improved treatment is particularly urgent in Africa and Asia, which together account for 95 percent of all pneumococcal deaths.”

Another study by the United Nation’s children’s fund UNICEF showed that better prevention methods for malaria and action to reduce mother-to-child AIDS virus transmission had reduced childhood deaths from other causes.

It found 8.8 million children under five died in 2008 compared with 12.5 million in 1990. But 99 percent of the children who died lived in poor countries.

Wyeth’s Prevnar, which protects against seven strains of S. pneumonia, is part of the routine childhood vaccination package in the United States and other developed countries.

Several companies including Merck and Co. and GlaxoSmithKline make Hib vaccines. They prevent meningitis caused by H. influenzae, pneumonia and a severe throat infection called epiglottitis.

The non-profit Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization or GAVI provides Hib vaccine to 35 African nations.

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Studies show one dose of H1N1 vaccine may be enough


Studies show one dose of H1N1 vaccine may be enough

Two studies published on Thursday confirmed that a single dose of swine flu vaccine can protect people from the new pandemic H1N1 virus — welcome news to global health officials who had worried that people might need two doses.

Australian vaccine maker CSL Inc. released new data showing its vaccine got what would be considered a protective immune response with a singe dose, and Swiss drug maker Novartis presented a study confirming a report from last week showing its vaccine worked at an even lower dose when boosted with an immune system compound called an adjuvant.

Both studies, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, may lay to rest fears about the logistical nightmare of trying to vaccinate hundreds of millions of people globally with two doses of H1N1 vaccine — given a month apart — in addition to a single recommended dose of seasonal influenza vaccine.

Last week China’s Sinovac also reported its vaccine protected patients with a single dose.

The new H1N1 strain of flu, declared a pandemic in June, could eventually infect one third of the world’s population, or 2 billion people, according to the World Health Organization.

Because it is a new strain, infectious disease experts had said people would likely need two doses to get full immunity against the virus. They are rushing to put in place vaccine programs as the weather cools in the Northern Hemisphere and the traditional flu season starts.

About 20 pharmaceutical companies including Sanofi-Aventis, GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca’s MedImmune unit are also racing to develop H1N1 vaccine as governments scramble to secure supplies.

The United States hopes to vaccinate 160 million Americans by the beginning of December.


Also on Thursday, MedImmune said its inhaled vaccine against the pandemic H1N1 virus could be ready to start shipping to the U.S. government by the end of September.

MedImmune’s Dr. Raburn Mallory said the company has submitted safety data for its nasal spray swine flu vaccine to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

“There are no red flags there. We think we can have 5 million doses ready to distribute at the end of September,” Mallory said in an interview. U.S. officials had not expected vaccination to begin until mid-October.

The company has 5 million doses in spray devices now, a company spokeswoman said, adding that a more conservative estimate would be that 3.5 million doses could be sent out by the end of September.

U.S. health officials said they started testing swine flu vaccines in pregnant women this week and were scheduled on Friday to report on results of some of the tests being done on various swine flu vaccines for the U.S. market.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is licensing H1N1 vaccines as if they are a simple reformulation of the seasonal flu vaccine. This does not require clinical tests, but the National Institutes of Health is running clinical tests anyway, to be sure it is safe and to find the best dose.

Governments in Europe have started to take delivery of H1N1 swine flu vaccines but are awaiting a license from European authorities before they can start mass vaccinations.

“The immune response to all these vaccines is a very high response, whatever type of vaccine it is, whether it is adjuvanted or non-adjuvanted,” Thomas Lonngren, executive director of the European Medicines Agency or EMEA, told a news briefing.

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